The story so far…
What is currently happening with the Fox?
As you probably know, the Fox is now closed as its owners Stonegate Group have put the freehold up for sale.
As the Fox is classed as an ‘asset of community value’, we have been able to trigger a 6-month moratorium period with West Oxfordshire District Council, during which the Fox can only be sold to eligible local community groups. This runs until 27 December 2023.
After the initial public meeting a steering group was formed to set up ‘The Bartons Community Benefit Society Limited’ that is able buy the Fox during the moratorium. This company is a form of co-operative society and will enable the Fox to be owned by and for the benefit of the community, rather than a private company or individual.
As a member of the Plunkett Foundation, we will receive expert advice and support on our journey. We are building our business plan. A commercial survey and feasibility study is happening this week - and we’ll keep you in touch.